Posted on October 16, 2012
Beau was 19 when he had to undergo a five and a half hour colic surgery for an impacted large intestine and bypass of the cecum. The vets gave him a 50% chance for survival, so we were scared and anxious waiting for the vets to finish. Beau didn’t have a history of colic, this episode was out of the blue, making the experience even more nerve wracking. Surgery went [ Read More ]
Posted on October 10, 2012
You know if you see these signs of colic, it’s time to call the vet. You pray that it’s a simple case of gas colic that can be resolved with lots of walking and watching over one sleepless night. But sometimes the outcome requires colic surgery and you suddenly find yourself taking care of a horse in recovery. Either way, your vet will eventually go home and you will be [ Read More ]